We welcome you to experience one of the most heart-warming photographic exhibits of a lifetime – the Heart Gallery. The Heart Gallery of Sarasota is working to change children’s lives by giving a voice to our community’s forgotten children. With your help their voices will be heard. These children are of all ages, racial and ethnic backgrounds and have varying needs. Many have brothers and sisters they want and need to be adopted with. Some have been waiting for years to be adopted. Of all their differences, they all have one common thread: the need of a loving, permanent family.
The Heart Gallery of Sarasota, Inc. was established in 2005 to bring our community’s children into the light. The Heart Gallery of Sarasota has affected hundreds of adoptions in Sarasota, DeSota and Manatee counties. It’s simple, we engage over 50 professional photographers who lend their equipment and time to photograph children who are forgotten. The photographers capture the child’s character and spirit to attract the attention of prospective forever families. The success of the program is measured in the number of successful adoptions.
Although many of our children were removed from abusive and neglectful situations, they still have hope. They love to laugh, to learn, and to be with their friends. Most of all, they dream of finding a forever family to be their own. The Heart Gallery allows the children to advocate by capturing their “character” and “spirit” through a photograph taken by a local photographer. The photograph is displayed in a public space such as library, church, shopping mall, airport.
It works. It really does.
Please look at our Facebook page for the families that have successfully adopted.